
Misterlee a China


we went on a whirl wind crazt tour of catalunya as an orientation trip.


Load on the bus with lots and lots of other people. most of who are idiots. this trip only validated my previous statement about 80% of the IES population being "tools" and by the way xan, they dont they are tools, they probably think that I AM the idiot because im interested in the things we were doing and i dont want to take this experience for granted and do other things beside getting so wasted and then sleeping through the day.

Anyway, first we go to Girona. It is a medieval city with winding streets and a big jewish quarter. hence the nickname JEWrona. There was also a chapel and some arab bath houses.

Then we went to the hotel in an town called Roses. We had some free time there and in the evening watched a ridiculous show at the hotel called Mysteries of China. It involved every cultural stereotype of china including a big dragon, a body contortionist, a guy balancing on a stick, a girl spinning a vase and a table on her feet, swordfighting, gymnatics, and lots and lots of brightly colored spandex and sequin costumes. Katie and Ruth- you would have died.


In the morning we went to a town called Besalu. It was another small town with winding roads, but even more medieval and inside a big stone wall over a big bridge, still. The town had some really interesting architecture including some chairs attached to the sides of buildings. The town was still functional which seemed crazy to me. Somehow cars fit on the sttreets and people still managed to live with cobble stone streets.

Then we went to Colliure in the south of france, which is technically still a part of catalunya. Let me tell you, that semester of french didnt do a thing. I couldnt even remember how to say please. We only had 3 hours to wander around the town. It was soooo beautiful. It almost reminded me of a warf or fishermans town, except with rows of bright colored houses with turquoise shutters and drain pipes with little facces on them. It was raining and over cast while we were there, but it seemed almost fitting. I think at one point i described it as the capeside (the town in dawsons creek) of france. I ate cheese for lunch while we were there, it as pretty good.

Ive had a pretty bad cold the last few days, so i didnt really do anything too exciting saturday night except watch xmen in spanish on tv. its funny because it didnt matter. there is basically no dialogue in that movie, but you dont realize it until every 15minutes someone says one line in spanish. But apparently there was a bar in the town we were in called Ganster's Paradise that everyone was going to.


We went to some small town with ruins. at this point i was so tired of being with the group and so stuffed up i wasnt really paying attention. and also it was our tour guide's first tour and she was really nervous and barely spoke english. (she was trying to do the tour in english)

Over all it was a good trip and i met some very cool people that i probably would have through just class. It was just awful traveling so much with like 200 people.

I also have roommates now. Judit and Monica. THEY ARE 17 and 18!!!!! THATS SO LITTLE! i think most of the people in the dorm are around that age, which seems like years ago to me. Alot of the kids in the dorm seem kind of immature and loud and slightly abnoxious. Although, maybe im judging too quickly. Hopefully soon ill meet some spanish people closer to my mental age (25?) and become best friends and drive on their motos and go on vacations to exotic places that they'll pay for. very soon.

pictures to follow in upcoming post.


Anonymous said...


First of all Zoe, I'm sorry to hear you have a cold and I hope that won't dull your experience.

Otherwise it sounds like you're getting to sample a remarkable part of the world ... now I'm jealous.

Of Critical Importance is the breaking news in Spain ... now you have to be thicker to be a high fashion model so keep eating that cheese...

MADRID, Spain — Organizers of Spain's top annual fashion show on Saturday rejected five models as too thin to appear in this year's event, acting on an earlier decision to bar extremely thin women from the catwalk.

The doctors told journalists that of 68 models who evaluated, five failed to meet the new criteria.

"They had a body mass index below — well below — that which is considered normal not just by the Spanish endocrinology society, whom we represent, but also by the limits set by the World Health Organization," said Monereo.

"They were persons above 175 centimeters (5 feet 7 inches) tall and weighing less, or much less, than 55 kilograms (121 pounds)."

Alexandra said...

Darn. Nora can't be a model in Spain. Maybe they'll take me!