
aMAZEing! (but not really because it was closed)

This weekend I spent most of my time writing a paper about Dali and Gala. However I did take a few breaks to learn the catalan national dance, The Sardana, outside the dorm. You stand in a circle holding hands and do alot of fancy footwork. I dont think I could remember that 20minute dance lesson if my coming back to america depended on it. The guy teaching us (just some 17 or 18year old kid from the dorm) was very patient but not a very good teacher.

Last night I made some little sock puppets that will be staring the sockpuppet show I will be performing sometime in the next week or two in public. I think the plot is roughly going to be that of When The Grinch Stole Christmas, but a little funnier. Alot of the "bad guy" (who has slanty eyebrows!) getting chased by the dog of the good family. Pictures of that soon when its completed. If it is well recieved, you know good reviews and everything, i mgiht just drop out of school and comit my life to the art of sock puppets. seriously. what you dont believe me? I know YOU believe me, mom. THis whole thing was her idea, anyway.

Today I went to the Parc De Labyrinth. Its a really pretty park with a hedge maze. But the maze was closed. Broken cypress trees or something. We tried to climb through the hedges into it, but some of us have been eating only french fries and chocolate pudding for dinner in the dorm and couldnt fit. at least ill miss the christmas cookie craze this year. but maybe mom will send me banana bread??????Please?

(the last picture is a passage within the gated complex my dorm is in)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they call buenos aires a labyrinth, so basically we were in the same place.